He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
He will say of the LORD,
"He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."
A Christian Wife is not her own...but fully belongs to the will of her husband.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Matthew 11: 28-30...restraining us and fixing us
As woman we need the strength of a our husbands; their powerful arms were made to engulf the fears that might other wise over take us. To surrounding us with a gird of protection, is actually an investment in themselves. We NEED their sheltering, protecting both body and soul, physically and spiritually.
The security of their warriors souls -
Oh to have the refuge of knowing your own worth in the eyes and arms of your beloved, that He will never leave you or forsake you. To know that there is one who will lay down His very life to prevent you from being carried away and ravaged by the enemy.
We relax in the arms of our powerful hero's, knowing no harm can befall us, nothing will cross your path or overtake us. We are a most treasured possession, dearly loved and valued.
It's there we learn to become what we were created for. Where we find our greatest fulfilment, our joy and contentment. From this sheltered vantage point we learn to pour ourselves back out, with all our riches; a soft voice, a trendier touch, encouraging words, diligent, tireless work that can not be bought, or trained, only won. Given as a help meet who desires to please her Husband and bless him with all her might and ability.
For the love of our Husband we will do all things.
Which begs the question... Who is your Husband, really?
Is it not the Lord Almighty? Does He not call you His bride? Did He not plan your days before time began, lay down His very life to protect you from evil? Will He not work out your salvation with you by way of the Holy Ghost? He interceded for you before the throne. His desire is to see you without blemish spotless before the throne. Whether single or married; whether young or old, rich or pour, healthy or sick, are your times not in His hands?
Do YOU believe this? Does He love you? Do you not know He is for you?
Then Live like you do!
Trust Him, and receive your reward beloved.
In the arms of the ones we love there is no greater peace, no greater joy, and nowhere else will we find more of a chance at maturating. Of meeting our full potential then in those treasured arms.
Oh child, live for your man, be his help meet... but serve your Husband and be His wife.
An so sweet Lord as we maneuver through this world, even at times fighting like children, throwing our little tantrums, struggling and kicking, squirming with all might to get out from under the pains of this fallen world, complaining, comparing, judging, beating my fists against your chest and screaming out what we feel is wrong or unjust, hold us fast, tighten your grip around us, refuse to let us go.
Patiently wait for us that we might be stilled, calmed again, falling limp in your embrace, excepting Your wisdom, Your ways, and growing in grace and beauty.
Thank you for Your ways... Always.
Dedicated to my first born grandson;
Joshua Alan Nice
Born June 3ed--Died June 5th 2009
and my amazing daughter and son-in-law
Crista and Matthew Nice
With growing thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for all things;
blessings to my Husband and teacher Patrick Frees
and gratitude to my brother, his family, and church for time well spent hiding and healing.
Mrs.Theresa Frees