Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
Let us praise the Lord without ceasing!!!
The Ball Brothers
Friday, April 17, 2009
Homes: Schools For Eternity

All should realize the sublime idea that their houses are the schools for eternity; their children the scholars; themselves the teachers; and evangelical religion the lesson. Yes, with every infant born into the family comes the injunction from God, "Take this child and bring it up for Me!" God sent this child into the world, to be trained up in the way he should go—that is in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.Those parents who neglect the religious education of their children, whatever else they may impart, are more guilty than Herod! He slew the children of others—they slay their own children! He slew only the body—they slay the soul! He slew them by hired assassins—they slay their children themselves! We shudder at the cruelties of those who sacrificed their babes to Moloch; but how much more dreadful an immolation do they practice, who offer up their sons and daughters to Satan, by neglecting the education of their souls, and leaving them to grow up in ignorance of God and their eternal destiny!
-John J. Adams, Female Piety -
Thursday, April 16, 2009
That They May Lay Hold On Eternal Life

We are to encourage our precious charges to live thankful lives, by example... to be found contented, full of joy and good works.
Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Don't forgo quiet times of sitting and talking to your little ones, also while you are side by side working willingly with your hands to create a Godly home.
Take great pleasure in expressing with word and scripture your delight in fashioning warmth around the hearth of HOME.
You ought never begrudge this sacred work, be mindful of the seeds you might carelessly plant by a loose word or resentful attitude. And do not grow weary of doing good, but be thankful for the everyday tasks that enrich, and build up, strengthen and bring maturity.
Show the laundry, the dishes, even the bathrooms all as part of you ministry in His name.
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17
Seek creative ways to show gratefulness for their Father... bless their father, honor him in the home always. This will bring such joy to them you have never seen.
Continue to make memories worthy of being pass down to your grandchildren.
Oh what a bountiful harvest you will reap in due time.
Daily bible stories, running hugs, huge smooches, warm smiles and friendly greetings for all who come to your home. Be the first to help, the last to leave, greedily looking for ways to bless. Mindful of others needs, if possible, even before they know them themselves. With this you will earn a good name and find contentment even in weariness of body. But not soul :)
To teach all the academics in the world and fail to do this, is to fail your children.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
His Mercies Endure Forever
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Amazing 12 Year Old Speaks Against Abortion
Hi...I think this is wonderful.
Be prepared to give an answer for what you believe.
This young girl is clear, kind, and respectful.
I enjoy the way the Lord's percepts are spoken with conviction and confidence.
Consider Your Ways,
Godly Principles,
Monday, April 6, 2009
Falling On Your Grace

Today I collapse onto your grace my Lord.
Grace that has been set aside from me from before time began.
You have thought of everything
All my needs are met
How marvelous are you…
Grace that has been set aside from me from before time began.
You have thought of everything
All my needs are met
How marvelous are you…
You’re unsearchably sovereign
I’m trusting in the unseen
Considering things still approaching.
My hope is in you
You demand that I purposely my thoughts today;
No letting them just drift away
In this manner I am taught by you
To be accountable for what I say and do
It may seem hard –
At times it’s all I can do
But I find contentment in knowing you are near
When I seek you
You let yourself be found
Your grace pours over me
I offer my praise
My strength is in you my Lord
Your faithfulness refreshes me
Your words to me are stead fast
I am lifted up on wings like an Eagle.
You are sweet and kind to me.
I hope in you and I am changed
Your words are cool still waters
In your meadow I find a reprieve.
Glorify- Worship- and Adore
The living God
For he cares for you
Praise be to the name of my Lord
In whom I will trust - in whom I will rest
Here I bring this one request
Refresh me, teach me, strengthen me a new
That I may continue- and be found pleasing to you.
You’re unsearchably sovereign
I’m trusting in the unseen
Considering things still approaching.
My hope is in you
You demand that I purposely my thoughts today;
No letting them just drift away
In this manner I am taught by you
To be accountable for what I say and do
It may seem hard –
At times it’s all I can do
But I find contentment in knowing you are near
When I seek you
You let yourself be found
Your grace pours over me
I offer my praise
My strength is in you my Lord
Your faithfulness refreshes me
Your words to me are stead fast
I am lifted up on wings like an Eagle.
You are sweet and kind to me.
I hope in you and I am changed
Your words are cool still waters
In your meadow I find a reprieve.
Glorify- Worship- and Adore
The living God
For he cares for you
Praise be to the name of my Lord
In whom I will trust - in whom I will rest
Here I bring this one request
Refresh me, teach me, strengthen me a new
That I may continue- and be found pleasing to you.
Consider Your Ways,
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