Friday, May 1, 2009

Be a Light Unto Your Family

Be a light to your family-- honor the Lord with the days of your youth, for great is the reward.

One of my fondest memories from when I was a young girl
is hearing my big brother humming Amazing Grace.
He new the Lord long before I… but I received so much of our Lords grace through the transforming work I witnessed in my brother.
By GODS grace Sean has always been a rich, living, example of what fervently seeking His face looks like.
My brother would be the first to tell you he is not worthy in or of himself, but only by Gods sweet grace has he seen true growth and lasting change in his life.
To which he has been blessed to work into his wife, his children, his mother, & his little sister, (and by Gods grace generations to come)
Or should I say Gods wife, Gods children, Gods mother, and Gods little sister…

“At the end of the day, the Christian warrior fights for two things.
First, he fights for the crown rights of his eternal king, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Second, he fights for his wife, his children, his family, and his household
(Nehemiah 4:14.)
Only on these two grounds does he lawfully war for his nation.”
Excerpt from: The Little Boy Down The Road by Mr. Doug Phillips
Great book I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

Sarah Frees said...

This is a great video. I love the way he sings. and has so much enthusiasm in his preaching.

~Sarah Frees