There are so many things in life that can make us discouraged. 
This week was filled with many things that have me on the roller coaster of discouragement and feeling as if I were powerless to step off it.
Satan will very subtly sneak his way into our thought life and we must not allow him a foothold.
Emotions rise and fall; they deceive us, blinding us to ‘true purpose’ leading us astray, unable to fulfill our Lords calling.
Discouragement drains me. Leaving me feeling weighted down and tired, without motivation or creativity. We must be vigilant on meditating on the truth and being sober-minded as commanded to women in the Bible. We have to be very careful to carefully guard our thoughts and minds. Renewing our thoughts with Scripture is mandatory.
Our joyous spirits are ment to encourage and strengthen our husbands - to be help meets.
Oh how great an infulence we have over our homes ladies. Again I say...
This week was filled with many things that have me on the roller coaster of discouragement and feeling as if I were powerless to step off it.
Satan will very subtly sneak his way into our thought life and we must not allow him a foothold.
Emotions rise and fall; they deceive us, blinding us to ‘true purpose’ leading us astray, unable to fulfill our Lords calling.
Discouragement drains me. Leaving me feeling weighted down and tired, without motivation or creativity. We must be vigilant on meditating on the truth and being sober-minded as commanded to women in the Bible. We have to be very careful to carefully guard our thoughts and minds. Renewing our thoughts with Scripture is mandatory.
Our joyous spirits are ment to encourage and strengthen our husbands - to be help meets.
Oh how great an infulence we have over our homes ladies. Again I say...
Oh how great an influence we have over our homes ladies.
Power to enrich and warm
Let us fight a good fight and not grow weary in doing good.
The discouraging things are temporary. What matters is how we handle it all and knowing the Lord has a purpose for it; To turn us closer to Him and never to rely on ourselves. Praise God for His mercy and kindness towards us!
So many challenges threaten to topple us. Derailment is not an option. We have a post that is ours alone;
to honor God is to stand firm.
"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. Exodus 14:13
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