~Use hospitality one to another without grudging.~
1 Peter 4:9
Travel-weary and hungry, our family arrived in town just before dark.
Mama carried the baby while I, being the oldest boy, helped Papa with the luggage.
The scent of cinnamon and cloves drifted out to the yard to greet us. Suddenly the door flew open, and we were assaulted with hugs and greetings by a happy crowd of curly-blond Miller children.
"Here, let me carry that for you," they all seemed to say at once. The oldest daughter asked, "Can I get you something to drink?"
So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good.
At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit.
Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith. ______________________________________________________
Mr. and Mrs. Miller met us in the doorway grinning. Mama hugged Mrs. Miller and whispered her thankfulness for good friends and warm welcomes.
The Millers house was always warm and cozy, and without a word, we always knew we were welcome; Mrs. Miller and her daughters served our family with joy and ease. It seemed so natural--as if they were doing what they were created to do.
I observed how Mr. Miller pulled back Mrs. Miller's chair before she sat,
and I noticed a lump in my own throat as he prayed over our meal at dinner with such passion and genuine gratefulness to his God.
The Millers were Christians, but I have met Christians before--the man screaming on television and asking for money was a Christian. And the lady who lives next door to us must be a christian because she has one of those fish symbols on her car--and she handed me a gospel tract once-- but she must not like being a Christian much because she never smiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller seem to smile all the time.
But Papa says the Millers are a different kind of Christian.
Papa says being around the Millers makes him 'consider his ways'.
Tonight I saw him sitting in the corner thumbing through the Bible...and as I drifted off to sleep, I saw Mama kneeling beside Papa and I could have sworn I heard him weeping.
Let no man seek his own, but every other man's wealth.
By showing hospitality to others, specifically unbelievers, a family exemplifies the Gospel in a living way.
By revealing what a Godly Christian marriage looks like, your parents demonstrate the wonder of Christ and His Bride.
By honoring your father and serving in your role as a maidenly daughter in your home, you display the appeal and loveliness of contented femininity.
A Christian family working together in love to bless and honor someone else beautifully communicates the scripture directive of putting others before ourselves.
Living out our Christianity in this fashion enables us to develop relationships and credibility with our guests. We may even be asked how in the world our family can function as it does, As God goes before us in this way, we are then ready to share the answer.
Since our righteousness in not due to our own personal human enlightenment, mere coincidence, or any unique spark of goodness we possess on our own, we have the opportunity to testify of the One to whom all glory and honor are due, We can tell of our gratefulness for the inestimable grace and love of our Savior and the power that He has to cleanse us of our sins and transform our families. Compare this ancient method of communicating the Gospel to the modern practice of passing our Christian tracts or street witnessing, and you may decide that you have found a quite natural ministry for your family--one where the whole family can be involved.
Imagine how the simple example of a Godly, loving family working together and joyfully serving others at hearth and home speak honestly of the transforming power and loving nature of God. Consider how communicating the Gospel in a living way, within the biblical roles of a real family, can be and effective means of exemplifying the grace of God and causing others to "consider their ways," When we seek God's wisdom and strength in living our lives and glorifying Him with all we have and do, we communicate Him and His Truth to the world.
Excerpts from Stacy McDonald
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