Thursday, August 20, 2009

Attitude Creaps Into The Smallest Things

Mom and I went to the park a while back, had a little BBQ by the river.

It was wonderful!!!

I so enjoy being around her.

How often do I miss the best things in my life by simple having the wrong attitude and heart.
Wait--Don't answer that.

Why don't I do what I ought to do or why do I do what I don't like.
Like Paul I am living in this fallen world inside my own weak flesh.

I went riding on the motorcycle the other day with Pat b/c it was SO hot - just looking for a way to get cooled off - very aware of my own discomfort and sadly grumbling a bit. We decided to go by the McKenzie River to see if the air would be cooler, it was- and we were then too cool. (WOW)
I considered this - what comfort loving fleshy people we are. Pathetic really. Without the right attitude we will miss the best the Lord has for us and loose out on so much.
Check you attitude and give thanks in ALL things.
You will find contentment and peace there :0)
Forgive my Lord for taking the good and grumbling about the other!

1 comment:

ReillyClan11 said...

Sister Teri, I love the photo of you and Mom! Sean and I were just talking about the comforts we take for granted in this country and how it makes for a life less reliant on God. Help us see our sin, Lord and see each breath as a gift from You. xoxoxo can't wait to see you, Holly